rITUAL guides & Wise Words from the collective

Aries Full Moon Spell
This fiery Full moon in Aries is conjunct Chiron the planet of healing it’s time to bring light to a situation that is triggering you, that has wounded you. Make it clear to yourself and to others if you need, accept it, deal with it so you can truly heal and move forward. With this ambitious Aries energy around us it’s good chance to take action, and remember that sometimes the not doing something can be an action too, and a step in the right direction.

Full Moon in Pisces Spell
What do you dream of? Falling in dreamy, intuitive and creative Pisces, this is one of the most magickal moons of the year. Now is the time to speak out and say exactly what you want to happen in your life.
Words are spells. Abracadabra literally means, “with words I create.” Remember that everything is created twice, first in your imagination and then again when you bring your ideas to life. The best place to start to create your dream life is with words. Why not give this time to yourself and take care to nurture your dreams and desires.

Aquarius Full Moon Spell
It’s time for the last Super Moon of the year. Landing in the transformational and quirky sign of Aquarius, this Moon wants you to embrace your whole self, quirks and all. To make the most of these special moon beams we’ve created a cleansing and releasing spell guide for you to follow.

Capricorn Full Moon Ritual & Spell Guide
With ambitious Capricorn Full Moon opposing homely Cancer, it’s a perfect time to find the balance between work and life. This moon will be a light relief from emotional Cancer energy and bring a little pragmatism to the season. Get more aligned to your goals by clearing out any emotional clutter and energy drains.

Sagittarius Strawberry Moon Spell
It’s almost midsummer, a playful time for joy and abundance. As we have just come out of a gritty mercury retrograde and the big energy of eclipse season it’s now time to expand our horizons, shake off old energies, ready for new adventures. This Full Moon is super charged as it’s also a super moon, meaning it’s closer to the earth than normal. Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, this Moon is one of luck and expansion and is all about adventure. The Sagittarius moon is symbolised by a centaur with a bow and arrow - it’s time to focus your arrow, where do you want to go? Use our sigil guide to manifest your next desires.

Flower Moon Eclipse Journaling Guide
Tonight’s Flower Moon Lunar Eclipse brings intense cosmic energy, super charged by transformational Scorpio. Allow these mystical moonbeams to reveal hidden truths and enable you to face up to your fears this week. In magick it’s often believed that eclipses are not the best time to conduct spells, so use this time to reflect to uncover valuable insights to prepare and align your energy ready for change. Brew a ritual drink, light a candle with intention and grab your favourite pen and journal and settle in for some powerful reflections. This time is just for you.

Libra Full Moon Spell
Make the most of this moon magick and bring beauty, collaboration and harmony back into your life. Follow our Libra Full Moon Spell and let go of any perennial cold winter energy in order to make room for renewal and rebirth. This is an auspicious time to think about what you do and do not want in your life and draw in more of what you love.

Legend of Ostara - The Goddess of Spring and Origin of the Easter Hare
The ‘Spring’ or ‘Vernal Equinox’, which was once called ‘Ostara’, will occur on either 20th March this year. When the Sun enters Aries according to the Earth’s orbit, you know what that means…eggs, chocolate, chicks, bunnies, the Sun - they’re all back again. But, like me, you may find yourself asking yet again, ‘what does a chocolate gifting rabbit have to do with Spring?’. Turns out, there is a myth for that. Thats right, it’s time to remember the Legend of Ostara. You’ve never heard of the Legend of Ostara, you say? Let’s delve a little into the traditions of the Easter Bunny and return of the glorious Sun.

Virgo Worm Moon Spell
Tonight’s Full Moon, a Worm Moon, falls into the earthly sign of Virgo - the virgin goddess. Virgo, known as the virgin, is considered the natural medicine woman of the zodiac. The meaning of the word virgin has evolved over time, but originally implied independence, inner strength and freedom. Under this virgin Full Moon we can harness Virgo’s power for healing to tap into our own potential. With the Virgo moon opposite the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter, combined with Neptune in dreamy watery Pisces, this lunation is here to illuminate lessons you’re ready to receive and is encouraging us to clean up our act - expect deeply healing detox vibes.
Follow our spell guide below to make the most of this lunar happening.

Pisces New Moon Ritual 2022
We're coming to the end of the astrological year with the most mystical new moon of all - Pisces. Pisces a water sign - encourages us to go with the flow, not to force goals but to bask in the opportunity that Pisces represents - the vast & limitless ocean. This New Moon is about healing and self compassion, a time to simply be and let your creativity and imagination run wild.

Leo Full Moon Spell
Tonight’s Full Moon is governed by the sign Leo. As Leo is represented by the lion, themes of love, strength and courage prevail. This evening follow your heart, dreams and desires to become who you’ve always wanted to be. These energies are amplified under this Full Moon as Venus, the planet of Love, aligns with Mars, the planet of action, in serious Capricorn; this passionate alignment happens only once a year. As our loved up celestial skies coincide in the week of Valentines, we’ve created a Self Love Spell for you to make the most of this moment.

Love Myths
No force can equal the power of love. Love draws us together, rips us apart, shapes our lives, shatters them and has the strength to rebuild them, and yet through all of this it is a feeling many of us crave to experience above all others. But love shape shifts and does not limited itself to our simple human lives; it changes the histories of nations and ultimately our world. In a world of different languages, cultures, identities, reasons for being alive, love connects us to one an other in a way unmanaged by anything else.

Cancer Full Moon Spell 2022
The first Full Moon of 2022 falls in the water sign that it rules, Cancer. This can be an intense time, a moment to release emotions and connect to our intuition. Water is an element that heals by washing away old wounds to soften us. Whilst the Cancer crab often likes to retreat into their hard shell it’s important to feel vulnerable in order to grow. By getting out of our comfortable shells, we can let go of limiting habits & beliefs and can continue to evolve.

New Moon in Capricorn Ritual
It’s the first new moon of the year, falling in wise, hardworking and ambitious Capricorn. You’ll be feeling the goal-getter vibes in all that you do this month. This New Moon comes with fresh energy and encourages us to aim high and take responsibility for the life we want to lead. Other cosmic happenings right now include Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, entering dreamy Pisces until May. This is the zodiac sign that it rules so it is the opportune moment to manifest dreams and desires for the year ahead.

Gemini Full Moon Ritual Guide
As the last full moon of the year falls in the intellectual air sign of Gemini, it is an opportune time to reflect on 2021. This is the time to think about what we want to leave behind in the year just gone before hardworking Capricorn season arrives and we welcome back the Sun at Winter Solstice on the 21st December. As we will also experience Venus, the planet of love, going retrograde from the 19th December, this is a time for heart healing.

How to Winter Solstice…
It is no coincidence the 25th December was chosen as a day of celebration. This is the day of Sol Invictus (invincible sun), the day in which the pagan world came together to celebrate the birth of the Sun Gods Osiris (Egypt), Apollo and Bacchus (Greece), and Mithra (Persia). Thus the ancient festival of Winter Solstice, the birth of the sun, came to be adopted by the church as the nativity of Jesus; and has somehow become a whole season in which we look forward to what mega-corporations have come up with for their tv adverts.

Sagittarius Solar Eclipse Ritual Guide
On Saturday 4th December 2021, we will experience a Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. Viewed as a powerful portal, this Solar Eclipse will bring an abundance of cosmic change. Solar eclipses only occur on a New Moon when the Moon crosses between the Sun and the Earth. A New Moon means new beginnings but this eclipse makes it super charged and, as it’s the last New Moon of the year, the energy is amplified making it a very special time for intention setting.

Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Ritual Guide
This earthy Blood Moon is here to anchor and ground you during the astrologically intense time of this Scorpio season. The Full Moon is in Taurus, a sign ruled by Venus the planet of love and beauty adding to this sexy Scorpio vibe, bringing with it a burst of sensual energy…

Winter Flora
Winter is here in full force. The darkest time of the year, when a glimmering candle gives you the warmth to get through the coldest of nights. The fog rolling off the misty hills descending into a sleeping valley below. The crisp frost waiting for a sparkling sun to break through and slowly melt off the bitter night. Tree limbs bracing themselves for a fast descending snow storm returning to reclaim their branches. A biting wind whipping your hair into a frenzy, leaving your cheeks ruddy and raw. Winter is beautiful, but winter is tough. Finding a way to get back to nature and connect with the earth at this time can make you appreciate the things that the cold takes away from the glowing summer. This month, we’re focusing on the natural connection we feel with the world around us through the herbal gifts each winter gives to us.

Scorpio New Moon Ritual
A New Moon in mysterious and moody Scorpio is probably the most powerful and magickal moon of the year. Scorpio is ruled by Mars, the planet of action and desire and Pluto the planet of transformation, making this New Moon an opportunity to go deep within and embrace your shadows. Use this intense dark moon to alchemise - turn the shadow into light and seek your inner truth.
With Mars also in Scorpio right now, fire and passion turns to self inquiry. Mars feels very at home in this sign and encourages us to overcome fears, move past blocks, let go of what no longer serves us to bring in the new.
This is a time for transformation and as this moon falls in the season of the witch it’s a perfect opportunity to cast a manifestation spell…