Virgo Worm Moon Spell
Tonight’s Full Moon, a Worm Moon, falls into the earthly sign of Virgo - the virgin goddess. Virgo, known as the virgin, is considered the natural medicine woman of the zodiac. The meaning of the word virgin has evolved over time, but originally implied independence, inner strength and freedom. Under this virgin Full Moon we can harness Virgo’s power for healing to tap into our own potential. With the Virgo moon opposite the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter, combined with Neptune in dreamy watery Pisces, this lunation is here to illuminate lessons you’re ready to receive and is encouraging us to clean up our act - expect deeply healing detox vibes.
This coming Sunday, 20th March, the Worm Moon is perfectly timed with the Spring Equinox which marks the beginning of Spring, Aries season and Astrological new year. After the Equinox, day and night are in equal balance meaning shorter nights and brighter, longer days. Before we step into fiery and ambitious Aries this weekend, it’s a good opportunity to clear the old and make way for the new by setting intentions and gaining balance into our lives.
Make this fresh start Full Moon a moment to get organised and start planning for the year ahead. Intentions are the way to manifest what you really want. They are not fixed. Let go of your inner taskmaster, intentions come from the heart, they are fluid and flexible. Let go of attachments of how things should be, let go of old stories.
Follow our spell guide below to make the most of this lunar happening.
Spell Guide
Preparation -
Free writing Reflection
Make yourself comfortable, perhaps light a candle or incense and take a few deep breaths to clear your mind. Spend some time reflecting - grab your journal and let your pen glide across the page… ponder these questions to get you going:
Reflecting on the last 6 months since Full Moon in Pisces and the Autumn Equinox, what has worked well and what has not worked not so well? What have you learned from the experiences of the last 6 months? Remember we are always winning or learning.
Tune into you. Think about how you felt when you woke up this morning, compare that with how you’re feeling now. Were you looking forward to the day ahead? Do you feel aligned with your day to day life? Perhaps there’s something you would like to change or let go of? What do you want to leave behind and clear away before we move into Aries season?
How can you feel more balanced? What do you want more of?
Full Moon is a moment during the month to offer gratitude. Finally, consider the things worth celebrating over the last 6 months, don’t forget to congratulate yourself for how far you’ve come.
After you’ve finished writing, take a look through your words and notice any key insights that stick out for you. Think about what you most want to let go of as you move forward into the astrological new year this weekend.
Brew a herbal drink
To start, brew a warm ritual drink of choice, we recommend a dreamy tea blend of valerian root, lavender and chamomile. If you don’t fancy making your own, you can choose a simple chamomile herbal tea from any supermarket or we love Dream Tea from Star child.
As you brew the tea, stir it anti clockwise and speak out loud what you would like to let go of. With each sip of tea, start to feel more relaxed, lighter and as if the thing you want to let go of is drifting away.
Make a wish
Take a deep breath in and out and set an intention or a wish for what you want in the future, perhaps within the next 6 months or even a year from now. Sometimes we can intend for something not to happen too, think of letting go of a habit that doesn’t serve you. The power of intention is strong, when you set an intention you are telling yourself, your body and the universe how to be.
Open a window and burn some incense, loose herbs on a charcoal disc will work well - you can choose herbs with magical properties that correspond to your wish. For example, chamomile is said to bring good fortune, rose petals are for love and sage is great for cleansing and letting go.
As the smoke curls say your wish or intention into it and let it carry your wishes out of the window and into the universe.
To complete the spell, write down what you want most for yourself over the next 12 months. If you look to the beginning of Aries season 2023 what would you like to have in your life - it could be more time, more balance, more self love, more abundance - you can write down exactly how you want things to be, include details. Going forward, embody this energy that you want to become and if any limitations come to your mind let them go - everything is available to you right now.
Roll your writing into a scroll and tie it up with string and leave it on the window sill under the Full Moon. Fire in magic makes things happen quickly so on the next new moon in Aries, 1st April, take the string off and tie it to a tree and safely burn this script. Bury the ashes in the earth - when you bury something in magic you are asking for longevity.