Capricorn Full Moon Ritual & Spell Guide
With ambitious Capricorn Full Moon opposing homely Cancer, it’s a perfect time to find the balance between work and life. This moon will be a light relief from emotional Cancer energy and bring a little pragmatism to the season.
Get more aligned to your goals by clearing out any emotional clutter and energy drains. Work through a list of what is draining your energy to bring about balance in your life. This could be anything, from tidying up to that phone call you’re putting off, it’s often the little things that create daily niggles and stop you from living life free of concentrating on what is really important.
Here is a worksheet to use if you want some guidance on what energy drains to sort out.
With Capricorn being a little more cold, cut and dry, the opposite of sentimental Cancer, it's an opportune moment to set yourself free from anything, particularly emotions that are holding you back.
Banishing Spell
Try out this banishing spell to make the most of this lunar energy.
Step one: brew yourself a ritual drink - this could be a herbal tea or a cacao drink, anything you fancy really. We love Sons of Asgard’s Moon Flower tea right now- a perfect blend for lucid dreaming. Stir with intention anti clockwise and repeat the words - I am ready to let go of all that no longer serves me. Stirring anti clockwise in magick removes things rather than drawing them in.
Step two: in black ink, write down what you are ready to let go. Write down any positive actions you need to take to release of this emotion, it could be a past relationship, a career disappointment or anything that is weighing you down. Actions might look like telling someone how you feel, or setting some boundaries and being clear about something you don’t wish to do.
When you are ready, write - I am ready to let go of this now, I want to step into my power and move forward with lightness and passion in my heart.
Fold the paper in half and turn it away from you 90 degrees, fold it in half again turning it 90 degrees away from you. Do this once more. As you turn the paper anti clockwise you are moving these feelings away from you. Sit with the feeling of what you have let go of, imagine feeling lighter and more at ease.
Tear the paper up into small pieces and put the paper in a bowl of water, moon water if you have it. In magick, water is the element of cleansing, so watch as the words run off the page and disappear from your life. Drain the water and discard the paper in the bin when you are ready.
You are lighter, freer, and empowered to move forward.
The Magick Awaits