New Moon in Capricorn Ritual
It’s the first new moon of the year, falling in wise, hardworking and ambitious Capricorn. You’ll be feeling the goal-getter vibes in all that you do this month. This New Moon comes with fresh energy and encourages us to aim high and take responsibility for the life we want to lead. Other cosmic happenings right now include Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, entering dreamy Pisces until May. This is the zodiac sign that it rules so it is the opportune moment to manifest dreams and desires for the year ahead.
To harness this magickal time for manifestation, follow our Capricorn New Moon ritual guide below.
Reflection Ritual
Light a candle and spend some time gazing at the flame. Before you think about what you want to call into your life in 2022, Venus, the planet of love, is retrograde making this a time for introspection and a chance to reflect. Remember, you attract what you put out there, change starts with you, you’re in control.
What do you want to let go of from 2021?
How would you like to change this year?
What are you grateful for?
We live in a masculine culture with a yang energy of ‘doing’. In order to reflect, we need to embody more of femmine yin energy. It’s important to take time to reflect and to grow by mining the lessons we learn over time so we don’t repeat mistakes and go around in circles. Spend time looking back so you can then move forward.
Take your journal and attempt to answer some of the questions, maybe even scan through the year we’ve just left behind remembering some of the memories you’ve created… write as much as you like. When you are finished, take a small piece of paper and write a word that sums up 2021 for you. Concentrate on the word for a moment. What feelings does it conjure up? If you want to let go of this word fold the paper three times, with each fold turn the paper anticlockwise, and if you want to take this word into 2022 fold the paper three times but this time with each fold turn the paper clockwise towards you.
Blow out the candle and as the candle’s flame disappears say to the smoke… I am grateful for all the love and all of the challenges of the year before me. I am supported by the earth as I move forward to the year ahead of me.
Grounding meditation
How do you want to feel?
Next, get yourself into a state of being with a short meditation. As Capricorn is an earth sign it can be good to connect to the earth during your meditation. If the weather permits, take time to ‘earth' remove your shoes and place your bare feet on the grass or sand and feel the Earth’s vibrations travel up through the tip of your toes to the top of your head. Alternatively you can connect to nature simply by holding a crystal or pebble in your hand as you meditate. If you’re using crystals we recommend smoky quartz as the ultimate grounding stone. Once you’ve completed your earthing make yourself cosy inside, lie down, close your eyes, and concentrate on the natural rhythm of your breath. Feel yourself supported by the Earth’s energy, feel the warmth of the earth encapsulating your body. Scan how your body feels, starting with the toes, then concentrate on the left leg, and then the right, up through the torso up to your heart’s centre. Let this energy warm your shoulders and arms and fingers, then all the way back up to the top of your head, until your whole body feels completely relaxed.
Once you’re feeling grounded start to think about what it is you really want for the year ahead. What is your intention for the year? When we set an intention we are manifesting our future, the secret is to create a feeling like the thing you want is already in place, feel the feeling, embody it, you don’t need to force it. Trust the process. Trust yourself and your intuition. Intention setting is not the same as resolution making as Astro researcher Holly wrote in her Capricorn New Moon article last year. Resolutions come from a place of things needing to be fixed, they are rigid, whereas intentions are more powerful they come from the heart, they are fluid and flexible and feel a lot bigger and broader. With this in mind it’s really important to come at it from a relaxed state, shake off your inner task master, let go of unrealistic and gruelling lists and let these intentions feel joyful, what makes your heart sing? What are you excited about doing this year?
Intention setting
Next take a loose piece of paper and write the word you want to represent 2022 - underneath write an intention for the year - for example the word could be Health - and the intention could be - I choose to live a healthy lifestyle everyday. Or the word could be Love and the intention could be - I am open and ready to receive love. Fold this paper up and tuck it under a crystal or place it in a jar on a window sill where the Moon’s energies can charge it up. Leave it there until Capricorn Full Moon in six months time.
Once you’ve set some intentions, or it could simply be one, you can start to bring them to life by setting some aligned actions, a master plan if you will. Try to make the goals positive, specific, inspiring and achievable so that you don’t get downhearted. For example, rather than saying I will stop eating junk food, you could write, I will make a healthy food choice each day.
Consider how you will make this happen, do you need to take any small actions, i.e. download healthy recipes. Also consider what might stop this goal from happening and work out how you’ll remove any blockers that might be in your way, i.e. removing the biscuit tin or takeaway menus on the fridge door.
Note down how you will measure each goal so you know you’ve achieved it. Going back to the healthy eating example, it might be that you will include some fruit in your diet each day. Also think about how you might celebrate achievements along the way. It could be as simple as using a calendar and giving yourself a gold star on each of the days you achieve the daily goal.
Spend a few minutes visualising how it will be when you’ve achieved these goals, and lived these intentions, imagine what life would be like if everything was exactly how you wanted it to be. How does it feel? Allow yourself to be in this moment.
Keep your master plan somewhere sacred, perhaps in your journal and refer to it each new moon, to see how far you have come. Perhaps you might want to tweak the intentions and the goals as you go, it’s completely fine to let things flow and change. Simply remind yourself of the feeling you want and edge your way to it day by day, week by week, moon cycle by moon cycle.
Manifesting is much more powerful in a group, the mystics will be hosting Yintentions January 3rd at 11am GMT for a special new moon intention setting and manifesting session - book your place here.