New Moon in Cancer Ritual Guide

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This month the New Moon will be in its ruling sign of nurturing Cancer. This is a perfect moment to check in with yourself and your emotions and take some time for self -care so that you can flourish and move forward. New Moon is a time to set intentions for the lunar cycle ahead, to rest, reset and revise any plans to get you closer to what you want from your life. A Cancer New Moon is especially good for planning self -care rituals, making updates to your home, setting new boundaries and spending time with your close friends and family.

As Cancer is the sign of the crab our ritual ideas below aim to strike a balance between encouraging softness of the heart and the hardness of the shell by identifying healthy boundaries. 

Gather for comfort food 

If you feel ready to mingle with your nearest and dearest, this Cancer New Moon is all about comfort and connection. We suggest arranging a small gathering with close friends and family to eat food that brings comfort. Spend time connecting with others that you feel completely comfortable with and share your New Moon intentions with each other. 

Set up your altar 


The crab of Cancer carries its home on its back, so this is a great opportunity to create a sacred space in your home, an altar where you can sit, reflect and meditate. Place items from nature, crystals, pebbles or flowers, remember to thank nature before taking the item into your home. Add candles and any other precious pieces that have meaning for you. Perhaps spend time creating and drawing your future perfect life to work as a manifestation board and place with the rest of the items on your altar. 



As Cancer is a water sign,we recommend spending some time in water by running a ritual bath. Consider adding some of your favourite crystals to infuse the water with their healing energies. Just make sure they are crystals that can be placed in water first - as a rule, any crystal ending in “ite” doesn’t enjoy being underwater and might start to disintegrate, whereas types of quartz are generally fine. If in doubt give it a google. 

After your cleansing bath, perhaps take time to do a detoxifying facemask, and as a Cancer Moon is all about comfort and rest, get into your favourite pyjamas and relax. 


Clear the space 


Before the next lunar cycle starts again it’s a good practice to clear the space so you can focus on what you’d really like to call in over the next few weeks. Cancer Moon can be an emotional and sensitive time, acknowledge that these feelings are simply energy in motion, that they will come and they will go just like the weather. It’s important to acknowledge these emotions, to feel them and then let them go so that you don’t get carried away by them and they don’t get in the way of your dreams. Clear these emotions by a simple meditation practice; close your eyes and pay attention to the natural rhythm of your breath, notice any feelings and distracting thoughts, name them in order to neutralise them and then see them almost as an object or a word and let them drift off. 

Journaling practice 


With all of the energy in motion that is Cancer Moon coupled with the vibe of comfort and boundaries that is cancer season, this is a perfect time to identify any energy blocks and drains you have in your life… this way you can focus on what you need to focus in order to make your life more free-flowing and full of energy… 

Consider anything that is holding you back, taking up too much energy and attention across different areas of your life including, relationships, career, finances, spirituality, health, and your environment. You may feel that you need to say no more often, or that you need to spend more time meditating, or that you simply need to tidy up your home office. After this exercise you will have a simple action list of things you can work on now with some longer-term things to do. 

Happy New Moon Darlings


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