Leo Full Moon Ritual Guide

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The 28th January is the first full moon of the year also known as the Wolf Moon and it’s in strong passionate fiery Leo. It’s a perfect time to celebrate yourself and all of your passions in the lead up to Valentines. Here’s our step by step guide to actively celebrating you with some serious self love & care.


First run yourself a ritual bath, add rose petals and maybe a couple of drops of rose oil. Place your Rose Quartz crystal in the water to infuse it with Love, Compassion and Kindness. When you’re ready to get out, dry yourself off with a big fluffy towel and get yourself glammed up putting on your favourite party wear or something that simply makes you feel great. If you feel like it, we recommend putting on some of your favourite music and bust out your best dance moves to stir up the fire within and get energy moving in the body.


Follow up by fixing yourself a Magickal Elixir, we recommend this month’s recipe - Rhubarb & Cardamom Fizz or brew yourself a herbal hot chocolate or heart-opening cacao

As you stir the drink clockwise say the mantra:“I let love & kindness into my life


Once you’re settled with your love ritual concoction, light candles or incense and get yourself comfortable with cushions and blankets. Hold the rose quartz crystal, bring it to your heart centre.


Take a few deep breaths and close your eyes. Imagine the pink glow of the crystal emanating out from your heart and protecting you in a bubble of pink light. When you feel ready, take your journal and write down all the things you love about yourself, your passions and all your achievements big and small, almost like a love letter to yourself. Write for as long as you want and complete the letter with the self-love mantra:“I let love & kindness into my life”

Happy Full Moon Darlings - Cheers to you!


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A rhubarb and cardamom elixir - perfect for a love spell…