Cacao and cardamom, chilli chocolate recipe

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This fiery number should certainly give you a glow as we move ever closer to the longest night of the year and as temperatures begin to drop. Full of protective qualities such as chilli and black pepper plus cardamom, which has connections to peace and hospitality (very fitting for this time of year when we would traditionally welcome people into our homes and extend peace and goodwill to all men). Cardamom, known as the Queen of spice with black pepper as her King, also plays a symbolic role in Persian and Hindu weddings and ceremonies where it is used to seal promises of love and protection.

Cacao itself has been used in ceremonies since 2000 BC its genus name Theobrama literally means ‘Food of the Gods. It is said to spiritually open the heart, heighten meditation and inspire creativity, a healer of body and soul it is said to also bring peace and clarity. 

At a time when we all need comfort and warmth, enjoy this elixir and its nurturing protective qualities.


250ml oat milk

2-3 cardamom pods crushed

1 ½ tsp cacao powder

1 ½ tsp maple syrup (or to taste)

Pinch of chilli flakes

Pinch of sea salt

Freshly cracked black pepper


Pour the milk into a small pan and add the crushed cardamom pods and a pinch of chili. Slowly warm the milk on a low temperature to allow the milk to infuse with the spice. Once the milk starts to simmer remove from the heat and whisk in the cacao followed by the maple syrup. Add a pinch of sea salt and a crack of black pepper, remove the cardamom pods, pour into a mug and enjoy. 

Recipe by Clare Knivett from Food and Foraging


A total eclipse of … the Sun in Sagittarius


Smudging, With Thanks.