A rhubarb and cardamom elixir - perfect for a love spell…


This month Clare Knivett from Food and Foraging brings us a sparkling elixir perfect for upcoming Valentine’s day.

The bright pink rhubarb that we see on our shelves at this time of year is grown and harvested in quite the most magickal of ways. Known as forced rhubarb this vegetable is grown in dark sheds, out of season, ‘forcing’ the rhubarb to reach towards the light. Harvested by candlelight it is more tender and sweet than field rhubarb and retains its vibrant colour. The Native American symbolism for rhubarb is that of fertility and protection, couple that with ‘Queen of spice’ Cardamom, seen in some cultures as a powerful aphrodisiac and you might be in for something spectacular this Valentine’s day.  Feminine in nature cardamom corresponds to the element water and the planet Venus.  A stimulating herb that relaxes the body and clarifies the mind this elixir is a powerful combination.


250g caster sugar

350g forced rhubarb, trimmed and roughly chopped

1 lemon, zested

1 orange, zested

6 cardamom pods, crushed

Sparkling water or Champagne, to serve


Place the sugar and 300ml water in a medium pan over a medium heat, bring to a simmer and stir to dissolve the sugar. Add the rhubarb, citrus zest and crushed cardamom pods and stir. Simmer on a low heat until the rhubarb starts to fall apart. Turn off the heat and allow to cool completely. Pour through a muslin-lined sieve into a sterilised jar or bottle. Add to sparkling water, gin and tonic or champagne.


Words & Pictures: Clare Knivett


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