Libra Full Moon Ritual Guide

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This is the first Full Moon of the new Astrological year. Landing in Libra on the 28th March, it will bring balance and harmony to the fiery and ambitious Aries season. This moon will be so close to the Earth, it will almost be a Super Moon. For the keen Moon bathers amongst us, be sure to catch those lunar rays on Sunday from 18.08 as it rises in our UK skies.


After Spring Equinox last week the days are getting longer and we’re moving further into Aries season, making plans and setting light to our ambitions. It’s an exciting time as we focus on our self and our desires whilst we breathe fire into our dreams. This Libra Moon however, will remind us to stop, see the beauty in things and think about how others play a part in our journey - how can our goals help and enhance the lives of others along the way? Libra is all about balance and harmony in relationships including the one with ourselves. 

The cosmic weather has lots of excitement and potent energy in store for us. This Libra Full Moon will make a perfect triangle configuration, with Saturn, the planet of rules, and Mars, the planet of action, known as a Grand Trine. Whilst abundant energy prevails with Venus, the planet of Love, Chiron, the planet of healing, and the Sun all aligned in fiery Aries, the energy of harmonious and balanced Libra will give us a chance to take a breath of Libra Moon air. Let go and clear out the energies of the past 12 months of the old astrological year, this is a time to clear space and let new energies unfold.

To harness the balancing energies of this Libra Full Moon and the season of Spring, follow our step by step ritual guide below. 

Step 1 - Fresh Air Foraging 


As Libra is an air sign and the element of air also corresponds to the season of Spring, we suggest starting your ritual practice with a walking meditation outside in the fresh air. Try to ignore your phone and mindfully walk noticing the beauty in things on your journey, such as the gentle breeze on your face and new shoots of nature emerging from giant blossom trees to small birds.
Gather things from nature such as leaves, twigs, petals, and pebbles, remember to thank Mother Earth as you collect them. If you can, find a sprig or two of lavender, or thyme as these herbs correspond with the element of air. Lavender encourages birth of the new and reminds us we are stronger than we think. Thyme is for protection and to call in fearlessness for new adventures.

Step 2- Make a Crystal Grid 

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Libran’s love to appreciate the beauty in things and so a mindful practice of creating a crystal grid is a perfect way to honour this quality and charge up whatever it is you want to call into your life.  Crystal gridding is the practice of intentionally creating a perfectly symmetrical pattern. The symmetry enables a balanced flow of energy and the intention that you put into making the grid gives it magick and power. It also works to help you manifest what you wish to call in. You could use a sacred geometry template to create your grid or you can simply create equal patterns by finding a larger crystal for the centre and an equal amount of smaller crystals to form a circle around it. Get as creative as you like, there’s no right or wrong way to do this.

If possible, lay out your crystal grid somewhere that the moonlight can get to it, and make sure it’s going to be free from disturbances from other often smaller humans and animal friends. 


The perfect crystals for this Full Moon are rose quartz, tiger's eye, green aventurine, citrine, lapis lazuli, amethyst, and aquamarine. Feel free to use whichever crystals you wish, intuitively select crystals that have powers for whatever you want to call in - for example, a rose quartz-based grid would call in love, compassion and kindness. 

Add in the leaves and petals and other items you foraged on your walk. 


If you don’t have any crystals, you can create this grid purely out of the items you found on your fresh air foraging walk.

You can leave the crystal grid for as long as you want, but we recommend leaving it over the course of the Full Moon until the 29th March.  When you remove the crystals they’ll be super charged up so you can use them for other spells or rituals or you can pop one or two in your pocket so you have their energy with you as you go about your day.

Step 3 - Letting Go and Calling In 

Once you are happy with your crystal grid it is time to let go of everything that has been holding you back and call in to your life all the things you desire.

Start by imagining what your dream life would be like, what would it feel like to have everything exactly how you want it? Write down what you want most for yourself over the next 12 months of the astrological calendar? It could be material things or it could be more abstract things like more time, more balance, or more self-love. When you’re ready, fold this paper up into a tiny square and pop it in the centre of the crystal grid, either under the central crystal or simply on its own in the middle of the circle. Keep the note there for the next 24 hours after which keep it in a safe place and reflect on it anytime you need motivation to keep yourself on your chosen path.


Next, think about what is limiting you from having this life you want to create? Once you’re clear on what is holding you back, take a second piece of paper and write down one thing you are going to do this lunar cycle to help you move forward and start to remove your limits. Check back on this list on the New Moon to make a plan to get these actions moving (it’s gonna be New Moon in Aries so a very special time to plant seeds of change and make things happen).

Finally, take a third piece of paper and write a letter to yourself, about whatever it is that you most want to let go of that has been limiting you. Be kind to yourself, and try to be as honest and sincere as you can. Unpack all the things that you want to get rid of, and unwanted thoughts or emotions, any conflicts or imbalances in your life, don’t let them weigh you down into this next astrological year. Write for as long as you wish until you have clarity in your heart and mind. Don’t be afraid to pour your feelings and heart into this letter, be angry if you need, be sad if you need. Once you’re ready, sign off your letter with the words “I choose to let go of…”

Adding in what you choose to let go of, this can be whatever it is that is holding you back or weighing you down big or small, it’s your choice.

When you’re ready and in a safe place burn the letter repeating the mantra:

I am free from what limits me and I am ready to live a life of balance and abundance.

Step 4 Moon Bathe

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Finish your evening with a spot of moon bathing, staring up at the moon and basking in its calming energies, perhaps make yourself a ritual drink of cacao or herbal tea. Relax and trust that the universe is working its magick to serve you now that you have planted the seeds of intention and let go of all those things holding you back. You are living a life in balance and alignment with your higher self. 

Happy Full Moon in Libra Darlings x


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