Leo New Moon Ritual Guide 

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Tonight is very special as the star Sirius, our largest star, known as the spiritual sun is rising in our skies. Sirius is aligning with the Earth, the Sun and New Moon in Leo. This is a potent time to manifest all that our hearts desire as it lands on the eighth day of the eighth month known as Lion’s Gate Portal. Expect high vibrational energies activated by the numerology of 8 representing infinity and eternity. This number is believed to bring balance, harmony and divine wisdom as you become in touch with your higher self.

Leo energy is all about strength, courage, creativity and self expression. To make the most of this special energy we’ve compiled some ritual ideas for you to try… 


Intention Setting but make it Leo 

As New Moon is all about new beginnings it’s always a great opportunity to take a quiet moment and write out some goals for the month ahead. Break down big goals into aligned manageable steps and plan out exactly when you will do them in your calendar. Mars the planet of action, is in meticulous Virgo at the moment making it a really good time to make fiery ambitions happen with a refined edge. 

Make your intention setting a little more Leo by getting creative, perhaps draw you in your perfect life, you don’t have to be an artist stick people will do too. If drawing doesn’t appeal you could create a vision board, add images of what you want to call into your life and put it somewhere you will see it every day. It doesn’t have to stop there, you could edit together a video or write a poem or story… do whatever you feel called to do. 


Get dressed up

Leo is all about expression and being star of the show, think sequins, headwear, capes the lot, put it all on - more is more after all darlings … harness this energy by getting together with others and sharing your ideas, speaking your manifestations out to the universe makes them much more potent. 

Happy New Moon Darlings… 


Aquarius Blue Moon Ritual Guide


Lionsgate Portal & the Magick of the Stones