Aquarius Blue Moon Ritual Guide
This weekend we have a magical, rare blue moon and the second Full Moon in Aquarius of the year. It is an unusual occurrence to have two Full Moons back to back in the same Zodiac sign, and so it brings with it a surge of Aquarian energy.
Many astrologers believe we are entering the new astrological Age of Aquarius, bringing with it cosmic shifts and great changes to technology and humanity as a whole. Some astrologers believe this shift happened when Saturn and Jupiter aligned in the sign on Winter Solstice last year, however others believe we embarked on this age years ago with the inventions of air travel, television and the internet. Others still believe we are another 600 years away before the dawning of this age. However you like to look at it, this double Full Moon in Aquarius is serving up the quirky air sign realness.
Aquarius is represented by the water bearer, the mystical healer who has the power to cleanse and renew. Aquarians are known to be revolutionary thinkers who give power to the people and care about the greater good. These cool cats celebrate the quirkiness of the individual but care fervently about equality for the collective, inspiring change as they go. With air energy all around us, we can expect change to be afoot. This second Full Moon in Aquarius is calling you to consider what healing you do for yourself. Remember, when we heal ourselves we heal others too. This is a good time to ask yourself, what is stopping me? What is getting in my way?
To harness the power of this weekend’s lunar rays we have put together a cleansing and releasing element ritual for you to try.
Set up your sacred space
Sacred space styled by Roka Bella Rose
First gather items that represent the four elements of Earth, Fire, Air, and Water and place them in the corresponding four corners of North (Earth), South (Fire), East (Air) and West (Water). You could choose a crystal for Earth, a candle for Fire, a bowl of water for Water and incense or a feather for Air. Alternatively, try a card from each of the suits of the Tarot; Pentacles for Earth, Wands for Fire, Cups for Water and Swords for Air. Place each item of card in the four corresponding corners and gather your journal and cushions to sit in the middle of these sacred elements.
White light visualisation
Start cleansing your energetic field simply by visualising a glowing white light. Imagine this white light above your head shining down through your whole body, lighting up each of the chakras as it moves down to the tip of your toes. Imagine this white light surrounding you, protecting you, trace this light as it expands out to the outline of your body, clearing away stagnant and negative energy as it moves. Take three deep cleansing breaths to finish.
4 element journaling practice
Next, grab your journal and your pen and harness the elements to help you to release and move forward.
Call in the energy of the four elements and four directions, ask the element of Air to the East for new inspiration - what ideas do you have to help you make the changes you need? Sit, reflect and write down any changes you need to make to move away from negativity and closer to the life you desire. It could be very small things that when carried out often make a huge difference to your life.
Calling in the energy of Fire to the South, ask for transformation and action. Visualise yourself transformed, feeling lighter after you have released what is weighing you down. Close your eyes and imagine yourself completing these changes. Use your journal to plan how and when you will make these changes. Remember change can also mean lack of action.
Calling in the energy of Water to the West, it’s time to feel. Reflect back on this last lunar cycle, or maybe even this last year. What were the highs and lows? What are you grateful for? It might be that you are grateful for a challenge that you overcame. What are you ready to leave behind? How does it feel to leave these things behind?
Finally, call in the element of Earth to the North, ask for balance and wisdom. What key insights have come up for you during this journaling practice? What is the one thing that you know to be true right now?
Write freely for as long as you wish.
When you are ready, close your eyes and take some time to settle into stillness, thanking the universe for all that it has taught you so far, say the words - I release what no longer serves me.
Happy Full Moon, Moon Child