Virgo Full Moon Ritual Guide

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The Snow Moon falls on the 27th February and is in Virgo bringing with it pure goddess vibes. Virgo, known as the virgin, is considered the natural medicine woman of the zodiac. The word virgin though has lost its meaning over time and actually implies independence, inner strength and freedom and so during Virgo full moon we can harness this zodiac sign’s healing power and tap into our own potential. 

February has been an intense time with a rare Aquarius Stellium, a Mercury Retrograde and now the Sun and Venus, the planet of Love, is in emotional Pisces. This Full Moon is bringing grounding earth energy whilst the Sun hangs out in opposing watery dreamy Pisces. This mix of earth and water elements makes for a symbolic detoxifying mud and so it’s a good time to think about what you can let go of and connect with your higher self – a time for balance between feeling grounded and down to earth yet feeling free to dream big.

Here’s our step by step guide to a Full Moon in Virgo ritual practice.

For this ritual you will need:

1. crystal - to represent the element of earth (Virgo Moon) we recommend clear quartz or if you prefer you can bring something inside from nature, such as a pebble

1. crystal - to represent the element of earth (Virgo Moon) we recommend clear quartz or if you prefer you can bring something inside from nature, such as a pebble

2. Lemon water and a jar - to represent the element of water (Pisces Sun)

2. Lemon water and a jar - to represent the element of water (Pisces Sun)

3. Dried Rosemary - for new beginnings and protection, this herb is associated with Virgo. If you can’t access Rosemary you can use Californian white sage or other smoke cleansing herbs.

3. Dried Rosemary - for new beginnings and protection, this herb is associated with Virgo. If you can’t access Rosemary you can use Californian white sage or other smoke cleansing herbs.

4. A white candle - In candle magick white is known for cleansing and purifying, so it's great for clearing away old stagnant energies and bringing in fresh, new, uplifting ones.

4. A white candle - In candle magick white is known for cleansing and purifying, so it's great for clearing away old stagnant energies and bringing in fresh, new, uplifting ones.

5. Your journal or paper - for completing our Virgo Full Moon journal prompts

5. Your journal or paper - for completing our Virgo Full Moon journal prompts

6. Hermit card from the tarot (optional) - the hermit is associated with the astrological sign of Virgo.

6. Hermit card from the tarot (optional) - the hermit is associated with the astrological sign of Virgo.

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Step 1 - Tidy up, cleanse and protect 

In true Virgo style it's a good idea to get organised, de clutter and tidy up, This idea of detoxing and removing anything that no longer serves you with a space cleanse is especially heightened when we add the water of Pisces into the mix. This could be as simple as a tidy up, the organisation or a sock draw, a clear out of an email inbox or deep clean of your entire home. Consider cleaning and tidying as a ritual process of letting go and giving yourself the gift of more space. Finish the process by carrying out a smoke cleanse with the dried rosemary (you can use sage or palo santo instead). Remember to open a window to ventilate the space as it is believed that the smoke takes away any negative energy as it leaves through the window. 


Step 2 - Run a Ritual Bath

After your cleaning and tidying up ritual it’s now time to cleanse yourself and your energy fields by running a ritual bath. If you would like, we recommend adding to the water, any left over rosemary and lemon slices and a clear quartz to amplify this calming and cleansing energy. (If you want to use a different crystal it’s important to remember though that some crystals don't like being in water so give it a google before submerging).

When you’re in the bath cleanse your mind of any distracting thoughts, as they drift into your head, notice them and let them go, so that when you get out of the bath your mind is free and clear to perform the next part of the ritual. 


Step 3 - Detoxify with Lemon Water 

Once you’re ready, pour out a pint of water and squeeze a whole lemon into the water.

Stir the lemon water clockwise, setting the intention “I am ready to let go of all that no longer serves me, I welcome in calm healthy grounding energy.” 

Pour half into a cup to drink for yourself and pour out another into a jar. 

As you drink, notice the cleansing properties of the lemon water making you feel lighter and freer. 


Step 4 - Hermit card and candle meditation 

Take your hermit card from your tarot deck if you have one, paying attention to the qualities of the hermit - the card that represents introspection and focus on the energies of this card, call in time for calm and introspection. The hermit holds up a lantern in front of his face to light and illuminate the path forward - to plan ahead. To symbolise this, light a white candle and notice the flame as it flickers, holding onto your clear quartz crystal. Sitting in stillness, take some deep cleansing breaths, close your eyes and imagine a white orb of light getting bigger and bigger in front of you. Just like the hermit’s lantern, this orb is guiding the way for you, what is it lighting up? What is it trying to show you? Tap into your intuition.

If you need more guidance for your meditation practice, our moon meditation is available to purchase and download to support your moon ritual. 


Step 5 - Virgo Moon Journaling 

As you become aware of your surroundings once more, take your journal and write down everything that came to light during your hermit meditation. Write for as long as you want. Then use these Virgo Full Moon Journal Prompts to complete this practice.

Full Moon is a time when we can give gratitude for the achievements from seeds sewn six months ago when the new moon was in the same sign of Virgo. Cast your mind back to September, what intentions did you set back then, it’s time to celebrate everything you have moved through, and all your achievements. 

Write down everything you want to celebrate from the last 6 months - what has come to fruition?

What limiting beliefs do you need freeing and independence from?

Am I being too critical of myself or anyone else?

What details do I need to pay attention to this month?

How can I let go of anything I’ve been feeling negative about?

This moon is about balancing being down to earth and allowing yourself to dream. What big dreams do you have? What small steps can you make this lunar cycle to start making them happen?

Focus on the mantra, ‘I am worthy of great things, how can I make sure I acknowledge and celebrate my unique talents and powers more?’


Step 6 - Closing the Ritual

With the remaining jar of lemon water, add any leftover rosemary and the clear quartz crystal (if you’re using a different crystal, again check that it can be placed in water - not all crystals can be underwater as they will start to dissolve and disintegrate. If you’re using a crystal that can’t be in water such as selenite you can leave it next to the jar) As you close the lid of the jar, say the intention you would like to let go of. Leave your moon water on a window sill or outside to charge up under the virgo lunar rays.

The next morning we recommend fixing yourself a Virgo Full Moon Power Shake to bring energy.


When you’re ready you can then remove the crystal from the moon water jar - this will now be super charged with alchemised moon magick energy. If you like, use the moon water in your next bath or to water your plants. 

Here’s to a calming, grounding and detoxifying Full Moon 


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