Pisces New Moon Ritual Guide

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A New Moon in Pisces is probably the best time in the whole astrological calendar to dream big and truly manifest your deepest desires. New Moons are particularly potent as both the Moon and Sun are in alignment, this month in Pisces, bringing the yin and the yang energies together so dreams and reality can interweave. Now is the time to harness this energy to create the lives we want.

This is the last New Moon of the Astrological calendar and as such a wonderful time to integrate into our lives everything we wanted to call in and everything we’ve learned from the last 12 months. A time for gratitude, closure, letting go of limiting beliefs, ready to begin anew as Spring and the season of Aries is upon us  in a couple of weeks.


The portal is open for cosmic alignment as the Sun and the Moon are conjunct with Venus and Neptune a time for love, beauty, dreams and magickal mysticism. This Pisces New Moon truly empowers us to be fluid and free like this dreamy, intuitive and mutable zodiac sign. 

Here is our ritual guide to help you harness this watery New Moon’s potential...



Heads can be in the clouds during this dreamy time so start the ritual with a grounding earthing practice. Go outside and let your bare feet touch the ground feeling the earth between your toes. Take a few deep cleansing breaths and reach your hands up to the sky, calling in the Moon’s potent energy down into your earthly being. You may also feel like dancing and moving your body.

Dream Tea

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When you are ready come inside and get cosy. Make yourself some dreamy herbal tea, Echinacea corresponds to the sign of Pisces so this would be a great option. You might also want to brew a dream tea using other dream inducing herbs like Mugwort or Chamomile as a perfect concoction for a Pisces Moon (always check for allergies and side effects before ingesting and trying new herbs). 

Smoke Cleanse 


Light some incense or burn Sage (also connected to Pisces, making a perfect pairing.) As the smoke curls and drifts out of the window, whisper your deepest dreams and desires into this magickal smoke. Repeat a mantra: 


I am free from what is limiting me and I’m ready to manifest my dreams

Cartomancy - ask the oracle


Connect with your intuition, if you have an oracle or tarot deck - ask the cards - What do I really need to know right now, what signs do you have for me?

The Tarot card associated with Pisces is actually the Moon card itself - the message being to trust your intuition, trust the Moon will light the darkness and connect to your emotions. If you have a tarot deck feel free to take this card out and place it on a window sill overnight to help charge up intuitive vibes and add extra Moon manifestation magick. 


Meditation & Journaling


To complete this New Moon ritual and set yourself up for a dreamy night’s sleep, we recommended listening to some shamanic drumming or a dream journey meditation.

Finally, be sure to keep a notebook or dream journal next to your bed and record any New Moon dreams when you wake up the next morning. 

Trust your intuition and let your dreams be your guide. 




Bedtime Dream Ritual


Virgo Full Moon Earthly Power Shake