How to smoke cleanse
Most often associated with sage, smoke cleansing rituals can be performed with a variety of different sacred plants and herbs. This ritual is performed for several reasons and though sometimes used for spiritual blessing or cleansing, the purposes and substances burned vary. Most commonly, smoke cleansing is practiced to purify or cleanse the soul of negative thoughts of a person or place.
The four elements are represented when performing a cleanse. The container is traditionally a shell used to represent water. The three main plants burned are cedar, sage, and sweetgrass. These represent the gifts from Mother Earth. Fire is produced when lighting the plants. Finally, smoke from earthen plants represents the new air created in the ritual.
To perform this ritual, you will need a smoke cleanse stick. See below for food writer and forager Clare Knivett guide to how to make a smoke cleanse stick from locally sourced ingredients. Alternatively you can also use loose resins and herbs and burn on a charcoal disc or use incense that’s already been blended.
Once you have your stick, we recommend intention setting so you know your purpose for the ritual. Is it spiritual, energetic, or for negativity clearing purposes? Ask yourself these questions as you get settled.
To begin, light the end of your cleansing bundle with a match. Do not allow it to fully catch fire, you want it smoking, not aflame. The tips of the leaves should smoulder slowly, releasing thick smoke.
Direct this smoke around your body and space with one hand while holding the bundle in the other.
Allow the incense to linger on the areas of your body or surroundings you’d like to focus on. You could also use a fan or feather to help direct the smoke.
Notice the smoke as it curls, speak into it all that you are grateful for, and then repeat all that you wish to let go of.
As a suggestion, you can use the following mantras:
“I am grateful for all the abundance and love that is in my life.”
“I let go of all that no longer serves me.”
Breathe in deep as the smoke is surrounding you, receiving all the healing properties from your selected plants.
Collect the ashes together and then dispose of them by burying in bare soil outside in order to bury the negative thoughts and feelings they have absorbed.
Always be mindful: burning sage is a sacred religious practice in some Native American cultures. Treat the ritual with respect.
How to make a smoke cleanse stick…
You will need a selection of organic herbs and flowers, 1.5mtrs of string and some scissors or secateurs.
Step 1 - Choose your herbs & Flowers
Herbs - Rosemary, Lavender, Pine & Thyme
First choose your herbs and flowers. You can use any woody herb such as rosemary, thyme or sage. Each herb or flower has different properties or symbolism but you can choose herbs just because you like them, if you wish. Then there are additions such as pine needles or cedar leaves. Pine has a strong resinous scent which is particularly calming and is an easy to identify tree (look for evergreen trees with needles that are grouped together, the needles always grow in clusters from a single origin of 2 (red pines), 3 (yellow pines), or 5 (white pines)). Finally there is the addition of seasonal flowers like rose, meadow sweet or lavender for colour but also symbolism and scent.
I’ve chosen to make a winter cleansing stick with the following properties:
Lavender: As we move towards the new year and into 2021 lavender can help us to wash away all that has happened over the last 12 months. Associated with cleansing and symbolic of new beginnings, its purple flower also connects it to the crown chakra and deep and calming meditation.
Thyme: As we face a new start with the unknown ahead I’ve included thyme for its connection to courage. A symbol of courage, inner strength and purpose, its name comes from the ancient Greek, Thumos - to smoke - and was often burned in ceremonies, too.
Pine: In Japan the pine tree is a symbol of rebirth, renewal and a bright and hopeful future and is perfect for this time of transition. Its resin has been used for centuries as part of ceremonies and healing and is associated with peace for this reason.
Rosemary: Has been used throughout history for protection and burned to ward off evil spirits, it is also associated with love and loyalty, something that we all benefit from and can cultivate with our friends, family and community going into the new year.
Step 2 - Prepare the herbs and assemble
How to assemble:
Once you have chosen your herbs and flowers cut them to equal length ( mine is about 8-9inches long). The cleansing stick will need to dry out for 2 weeks before it can be burned, as it dries it will shrink so make your bundle nice and plump.
If using pine, remove the needles from the branch before adding to your bundle.
Cut your herbs to equal lengths
If using pine remove the needles before adding the woody part to the bundle.
Make your bundle as plump as you can
Once you have an even bundle loop your string around the bottom and tie it in a double knot to hold together. Then, wrap all the way up to the end of the herbs tightly with a 2cm gap between each wrap. Once you reach the top come back down the bundle in the opposite direction, crossing over to create a secure hold.
Loop the string at the bottom and tie it in a double knot
Wrap the remaining string once more around the bottom of the bundle and tie together. You should have a little extra string left to hang it somewhere dry and warm.
Wrap all the way up to the end of the herbs tightly with a 2cm gap between each wrap
Little extra string left to hang it somewhere dry
*Always be careful when lighting your cleansing stick and ensure you have a non-flammable vessel/surface to rest the cleansing stick on after it has been lit.
Words & Pictures by Holly Westwood and Clare Knivett