Crystal Magick - An Intro Guide to the Chakras


Words: Holly Westwood

We hear all the time about aligning our chakras, the act of keeping our chakras open and unblocked, but very rarely are we told what our chakras actually are. To start with the basics, the concept of the chakra as an energy centre comes from the Sanskrit word meaning ‘wheel’ and explains how energy moves about the body. In the Hindu tradition, the chakra was first mentioned in the sacred text, The Vedas but also features prominently in Tibetan Buddhism. These seven energy centres are found in the body and are linked to different colours, symbols and Hindu gods. 

To keep things simple, here’s a quick comprehensive guide to each chakra.


Root Chakra (Muladhara) 

Location - Base of the spine 

Colour - Red

Crystal - Smokey Quartz 

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Found in the coccyx, we know this chakra to be associated with the fulfilment of our basic needs. Think self-preservation, survival and security. It provides support and foundation to our lives and grounds our physicality. The root chakra answers to the needs of our bodily and metaphorical needs. Through it, we ground our energies and root ourselves in the physical world. The wise and gentle deity, Lord Ganesh, responsible for removing obstacles, is paired with the root chakra.

Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana) 

Location - Below the navel

Colour  - Orange

Crystal - Carnelian, Tangerine Quartz

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With its focus on sensuality and creativity, this chakra speaks to our emotional body. Characterised by water, Swadhisthana is all about flow and flexibility. It is responsible for our emotions, ability to relate to other people, sexual expression, and pleasure in all its forms. Its ability to flow throughout the body supports our formation of identity as we find our place in the world in relation to others. Lord Vishnu, the preserver, presides over the sacral chakra; he seeks the moral order and maintains balance in the world.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

Location - Stomach

Colour -  Yellow

Crystal  - Citrine

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Located in the same area as the diaphragm, the solar plexus is in the upper part of the stomach. The third chakra’s power is in taking control of one’s life. It is in charge of making decisions and setting direction and goals for yourself. Through harnessing Manipura we can learn self-discipline, independence and confidence. Typically associated with the element of fire, this chakra is represented by yellow to be emblematic of a burning flame. Spiritually connected to the god Maharudra Shiva and the goddess is Lakinayamba.

Heart Chakra (Anahata) 

Location - Centre of the chest

Colour - Green or Pink

Crystal - Emerald, Green Calcite or Rose Quartz

The colour of the heart chakra is green bringing to life the imagery of life and nature. However, at higher frequencies it gives off an aura of pink, hence the common depiction of a pink love heart. This fourth energy is multidimensional, featuring a front going through the centre of the chest and a back through the shoulder blades. As expected, it rules the heart and lungs. It speaks to our strength for love. We transcend personal identity, rise above our egos and experience unconditional love when this chakra is in alignment. The focus here is not on romantic love per se, but more on how we give and receive love and how open we are in all of our relationships, this includes the relationship we have with ourselves. God Ishvara is joined with Anahata. Also known as Shiva, he is one of the most complex gods in Hinduism, responsible for maintaining the cycle of life as we know it from its beginning to its end.

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) 

Location - Base of the throat 

Colour - Blue

Crystal - Celestite 

In Sanskrit, the word Vishudda means ‘pure’ or ‘purification’. As it exists in the throat, the element of sound is closely connected to the fifth chakra. These vibrations and sound waves are felt throughout our entire body as they radiate from head to toe. Psychologically the throat chakra deals with our communication and ability to express our truths. Truth, purpose in life, creativity all can be channelled through this chakra. Because of its position in the throat, Vishuddha can almost feel as though it is a gateway between the body and the mind. Keeping the throat chakra open allows for the release of pressure building up in the heart and better movement of energy throughout the entire body. God Sadashiva is typically associated with the fifth chakra.

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

Location - Between the eyes

Colour -  Indigo

Crystal  - Amethyst 

In the Ajna chakra, we transcend a sense of duality; there is no longer the impression of ‘I’ and ‘the rest of the world’. When we align this chakra, we become free from the bonds of earthly consciousness. We are connected to wisdom and insight otherwise unknowable. Third eye visions can put us in touch with the intangible. Sometimes these visions are clouded or slightly out of reach, but others are crystal clear as though they are playing out in front of our eyes. In the focusing of our minds through the third eye, we can connect to the realm of spirits. Indigo characterises Ajna due to the quality of its luminescence and radiance conjuring up the imagery of the moon. The god Ardhanarishvara, half-male and half-female, equally split down the middle, represents the duality of the third eye chakra.

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

Location - top of the head

Colour  - purple or white

Crystal - Clear Quartz

The Crown chakra is related to pure consciousness in the sense that all others emanate from it. It is the ‘supreme centre of contact with God’ in the Hindu tradition. We channel this last chakra to connect to the limitless and assume a higher awareness of what is sacred. The Sanskrit name, Sahasrara translates to ‘a thousand petals’, as depicted in its imagery, while also conjuring up images of a full moon. Aligning this chakra will allow you to transcend the limits we all set for ourselves, give you ultimate clarity and the joy of enlightenment through wisdom.
You’ll know if you are imbalanced in this area by the feeling of disconnection with the body and spirit or the sense that you are living in your head, and feeling closed-minded. The great Lord Shiva is also associated with the crown chakra.

These 7 chakras act as representations of the different aspects of our bodily and emotional lives. When any of our energy centres are out of alignment, it can lead to feelings of a chaotic and unsettled life. Disconnection from the present moment, stress, exhaustion and closed-mindedness also tend to come hand in hand when our energy flows are blocked, and in some extreme cases can even lead to physical illness. Though there are many methods to unblocking these energy flows, the use of crystals may be one of the most powerful and accessible approaches. Crystals that vibrate at the optimal frequency for each chakra can align and balance all chakras. Try laying down on your back with each of these crystals in place on all seven chakras starting from root to crown: smoky quartz, carnelian, citrine, rose quartz, celestite, amethyst, clear quartz. Rest in position for at least ten minutes. Running through your body in your mind, visualise each chakra as a glowing disk of colour. Think of the energies mixing and blending their colours together as the energies emanate out from your earthly body and come together as one, clear unified force.

For more guidance on crystals and their powers, watch out for our brand new Crystal Magick Workshop coming soon.

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