Aquarius New Moon Ritual 


We have big Aquarius energy in the cosmos this month with the Sun and four other planets all in the spacey air sign. We haven’t had this much alignment in Aquarius since the hippie loving 60s so expect a feeling of a need for connection as Aquarius vibes is all about revolution & reform, ideas & innovation and humanity & society at large.

With Venus, the planet of Love, in this sign over Valentine’s Day, you can expect dreamy big expansive conversations with loved ones. Whilst Mercury, the planet of communication, is in an Aquarian retrograde however, we might feel the need to slow down a little and think a bit more before we speak. Jupiter, planet of expansion, and Saturn, planet of rules and structure, also aligned in Aquarius back in December bringing with them big shifts and changes - a time ripe for revolution.

Now we add a new moon into this airy awakened Aquarius mix. Coming into our UK skies on Thursday 11th at 18.44 this new moon really is heightened with new beginnings, a chance to conjure up fresh ideas and break free from any attachments holding us back. This second new moon of the year’s energy is a bit like the Star card in the Tarot, a card ruled by the sign of Aquarius that offers new hope, ideas and inspiration after a tough time. This Aquarius lunar energy can really feel like a breakthrough. 

Whilst new moons are great for setting intentions, with all of this supercharged Aquarius energy and a mercury retrograde, you might also want to use this time to recharge and reconnect with yourself. Get out of your head for a bit, either through meditation or even dancing in the mirror. We also advise getting lots of good sleep and naps in at this time.  

Here’s our step by step guide to a breaking free Aquarius New moon ritual 


You will need:

  • Incense, White Sage or Rosemary 

  • Your journal 

  • Optional - pick the Star card out from your Tarot deck

  • Crystal selection - we recommend black moon stone, selenite or clear quartz 

As Aquarius is about our connection to community and others feel free to jump on a Zoom with your own collective and do the ritual together, the power of intention setting with others is strong. 

Step 1 Cleanse and Clear 

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Clear negative and stagnant energies with a smoke cleanse. Light the incense, sage or rosemary for protection. Be sure to crack a window for ventilation and to let the smoke carry the negative energies out of the room. As the smoke and energy floats past you, speak into it the the mantra - “I am ready for new beginnings”

Step 2 Write it out 


During a Mercury retrograde putting pen to paper or journaling can be very powerful. Write about what you are ready to break free from, what new ideas you have, and how you can live your complete true and unique self. 

Here are some journal prompts. If doing this ritual with others, feel free to spend 10 or so minutes writing and then share with your tribe if you feel comfortable. There is so much power in speaking our intentions out loud.

What changes do I want to welcome in?

If I could do anything what would it be?

What ideas do I have to make myself and others around me feel better?

What do I need space from this month? 

What do I need to forgive someone or forgive myself for?

What do I want to break free from and let go of?

What’s the thing that makes my heart sing? What could I do to make sure I spend more time doing that?

This month I will focus on… 

Step 3 - Seal the deal 

Write down on a piece of paper the following mantra filling in the blank spaces…

I am ready for new beginnings, I welcome ___________ into my life, and I let go of ____________.


Take the piece of paper and fold it up into a tiny square. If you have a Tarot deck, take your Star card (or pick a card that resonates for you from an oracle or mantra deck) and your crystal of choice, place both on top of the paper.  Place all three next to your bed to infuse your dreams with crystal and Star card energy. Don’t worry if you don’t have either a crystal or a tarot card, you can simply pop the paper on the window sill to harness the moon’s energy overnight.

Prepare yourself for a goodnight’s sleep. ZZZ


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